Day 5: Helping The Poor

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. Proverbs 19:17

How many times have you seen a homeless person walking in the streets of New York, Newark, or Philadelphia and turned a blind eye? I know I have! But shortly thereafter, I have a sense of guilt flow through me. Why? I really believe that is God tapping me on the shoulder and saying “Michele, what if that was you struggling to survive? Or better yet, what if that was Me and you chose to neglect Me?”

Next time you see a homeless person walking in the streets begging for money or food, look them in the eye, and lovingly give it to them. Pray for them, and always remember that to see the face of another, is to see the face of God. Do what you can to help the poor, it really matters.

Charities that help the poor:

Salvation Army –

Habitat for Humanity –

Feeding America –

Enjoy the holidays and always remember to give from the heart, be a cheerful giver and smile.

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